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SMA: LokiBot - Interesting Functions and their execution

Article by Vishal Thakur
This is SMA (Supersonic Malware Analysis) of LokiBot. We will skip over the finer details of the execution and have a quick look at functions from an Incident Response angle.

The execution results are below and all the extracted info is self-explanatory. If you need additional details, please submit a question using the form at the end.


Profile and Configuration

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F2D0  |002893D0  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini"
0012F2D4  |00289CC0  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\25pibsee.default"

Versions and build

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F328  |00289D80  ; ASCII "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\25pibsee.default"
0012F32C  |0012FBA0
0012F330  \00408FF9  ; /RETURN from loki.0040A1B6 to loki.00408FF9
0012F334  /00289CC0  ; |Arg1 = UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\25pibsee.default"
0012F338  |00000000  ; |Arg2 = 0
0012F33C  |00000000  ; |Arg3 = 0
0012F340  |00000000  ; \Arg4 = 0
0012F344  |0027C908  ; UNICODE "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"
0012F348  |0027C4E0  ; UNICODE "63.0 (x86 en-US)"
0012F34C  |00279EC0  ; UNICODE "SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\63.0 (x86 en-US)\Main"

NSS Modules

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F208  [6167CB99  ; /RETURN from nss3.PR_NewLogModule to nss3.PR_Init+39
0012F20C  /61797A87  ; \Arg1 = ASCII "clock"
0012F210  |0012F224
0012F214  \6167D420  ; RETURN from nss3.6167CB70 to nss3.PR_CallOnce+30
0012F218  /00000000
0012F21C  |00289D80  ; ASCII "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\25pibsee.default"
0012F220  |617A9EBA
0012F224  |0012F274
0012F228  \616AEF71  ; /RETURN from nss3.PR_CallOnce to nss3.616AEF71
0012F22C  /617B9164  ; |Arg1 = nss3.617B9164
0012F230  |616B0570  ; \Arg2 = nss3.616B0570

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F068  [61675F94  ; /RETURN from WS2_32.WSAStartup to nss3.61675F94
0012F06C  /00000101  ; |Version = 101
0012F070  |0012F074  ; \pWsadata = 0012F074 -> WSADATA {version_lo=20076., version_hi=30667., description=???, status=???, maxsockets=0, maxudpdg=0, vendorinfo=???}
0012F074  |77CB4E6C  ; RETURN to ntdll.NtAllocateVirtualMemory+0C
0012F078  |75AF7993  ; RETURN from ntdll.NtAllocateVirtualMemory to KERNELBASE.VirtualAllocEx+33
0012F07C  |6AF8C861  ; RETURN from mozglue.6AFA374E to mozglue.6AF8C861
0012F080  |0012F0A8
0012F084  |6AF8CEE3  ; RETURN from mozglue.6AFA374E to mozglue.6AF8CEE3
0012F088  |0012F094
0012F08C  |77CB4E6C  ; RETURN to ntdll.NtAllocateVirtualMemory+0C
0012F090  |75AF7993  ; RETURN from ntdll.NtAllocateVirtualMemory to KERNELBASE.VirtualAllocEx+33
0012F094  |6AF8C861  ; RETURN from mozglue.6AFA374E to mozglue.6AF8C861
0012F098  |0012F0C0
0012F09C  |6AF8CEE3  ; RETURN from mozglue.6AFA374E to mozglue.6AF8CEE3

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F1C4  [6168537A  ; /RETURN from mozglue.calloc to nss3.PR_NewLock+1A
0012F1C8  /00000001  ; |Arg1 = 1
0012F1CC  |00000084  ; \Arg2 = 84
0012F1D0  |0181C0C0  ; ASCII "name="NSS Internal Module" parameters="configdir='C:\\\\Users\\\\Administrator\\\\AppData\\\\Roaming\\\\Mozilla\\\\Firefox\\\\Profiles\\\\25pibsee.default' certPrefix='' keyPrefix='' secmod='secmod.db' flags=readOnly,optimizeSpace update"...


CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012E7B8  [61978CC6  ; /RETURN from kernel32.CreateFileW to ucrtbase.61978CC6
0012E7BC  /01815040  ; |FileName = "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\25pibsee.default/pkcs11.txt"
0012E7C0  |80000000  ; |DesiredAccess = GENERIC_READ
0012E7C4  |00000003  ; |ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE
0012E7C8  |0012E7FC  ; |pSecurity = 0012E7FC -> SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {Length=12., pSecurityDescriptor=NULL, InheritHandle=TRUE}
0012E7CC  |00000003  ; |CreationDistribution = OPEN_EXISTING
0012E7D0  |00000080  ; |Attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
0012E7D4  |00000000  ; \hTemplate = NULL

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012E91C  [6170F34A  ; /RETURN from mozglue.realloc to nss3.6170F34A
0012E920  /0180C130  ; |Arg1 = ASCII "library= name="NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module" "
0012E924  |00000032  ; \Arg2 = 32
0012E928  |00000000
0012E92C  |00000031
0012E930  |0000000A
0012E934  |0180C0D0
0012E938  |0000002D
0012E93C  |00000001
0012E940  |00000000
0012E944  |00000000
0012E948  |0012E974  ; ASCII "trustOrder=75 cipherOrder=100 slotParams={0x00000001=[slotFlags=RSA,RC4,RC2,DES,DH,SHA1,MD5,MD2,SSL,TLS,AES,SHA256,SHA512,Camellia,SEED,RANDOM askpw=any timeout=30 ] }  Flags=internal,critical"

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012E91C  [6170F73F  ; /RETURN from mozglue.realloc to nss3.6170F73F
0012E920   01818100  ; |Arg1 = ASCII "library= name="NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module" NSS="trustOrder=75 cipherOrder=100 slotParams={0x00000001=[slotFlags=RSA,RC4,RC2,DES,DH,SHA1,MD5,MD2,SSL,TLS,AES,SHA256,SHA512,Camellia,SEED,RANDOM askpw=any timeout=30 ] }  Flags=internal,cri"..
0012E924   00000100  ; \Arg2 = 100

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012EB68  /75AF7AFA  ; RETURN from ntdll.memcpy to KERNELBASE.75AF7AFA
0012EB6C  |0012EBC4  ; ASCII "ate Services' FIPSTokenDescription='Software Security Device (FIPS)' minPS=0"
0012EB70  |00289F40  ; UNICODE "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\softokn3.dll"

Mozilla DLLs

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012E6A4  [77CC8376  ; RETURN from ntdll.memcpy to ntdll.77CC8376
0012E6A8  /00289508
0012E6AC  |0012E704  ; UNICODE "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\freebl3.dll"
0012E6B0  |00000058
0012E6B4  |00289500
0012E6B8  |77CC8458  ; UNICODE "\??\"
0012E6BC  |00000008
0012E6C0  |00000000
0012E6C4  |0012EA4C
0012E6C8  |00000000
0012E6CC  |0012E744  ; UNICODE "\freebl3.dll"
0012E6D0  |0012E70C  ; UNICODE "rogram Files\Mozilla Firefox\freebl3.dll"

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012EAD4  /774110DC  ; RETURN from ntdll.memcpy to kernel32.774110DC
0012EAD8  |0012EC14
0012EADC  |0012EB60
0012EAE0  |00000004
0012EAE4  |0012EC38
0012EAE8  |77410CE4  ; UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\Setup"
0012EAEC  |00000004
0012EAF0  |003E003C
0012EAF4  |77410CE4  ; UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\Setup"
0012EAF8  |00000018
0012EAFC  |00000000
0012EB00  |0012EAF0
0012EB04  |00000040
0012EB08  |00000000
0012EB0C  |00000000
0012EB10  |001E001C
0012EB14  |77410F88  ; UNICODE "OOBEInProgress"
0012EB18  |77410F88  ; UNICODE "OOBEInProgress"
0012EB1C  |0012EC14

Computer Info

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012EBBC  /77410F30  ; RETURN from ntdll.memcpy to kernel32.GetComputerNameW+321
0012EBC0  |00289668
0012EBC4  |0012EC3C  ; UNICODE "-PC"
0012EBC8  |00000010
0012EBCC  |0012ED40
0012EBD0  |0012EC3C  ; UNICODE "-PC"
0012EBD4  |0012ECB4
0012EBD8  |00000018
0012EBDC  |00000000
0012EBE0  |0012EC00
0012EBE4  |00000040
0012EBE8  |00000000
0012EBEC  |00000000
0012EBF0  |0012EC94
0012EBF4  |685F7503
0012EBF8  |033EF000
0012EBFC  |033EF000
0012EC00  |0080007E
0012EC04  |77410DF0  ; UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName"


CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012E790  [77CC8376  ; RETURN from ntdll.memcpy to ntdll.77CC8376
0012E794  /00285490
0012E798  |0012E7F0  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\25pibsee.default\cert9.db"
0012E79C  |000000B2
0012E7A0  |00285488
0012E7A4  |77CC8458  ; UNICODE "\??\"
0012E7A8  |00000008
0012E7AC  |0000005A
0012E7B0  |01857040  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\25pibsee.default\cert9.db"
0012E7B4  |01857040  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\25pibsee.default\cert9.db"
0012E7B8  |77D36516  ; RETURN from ntdll.77CC27E9 to ntdll.77D36516
0012E7BC  |77CFA103  ; RETURN from ntdll.77D3620E to ntdll.77CFA103

Login cred-stealing functions

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012EF88  [77CC8376  ; RETURN from ntdll.memcpy to ntdll.77CC8376
0012EF8C  /00285688
0012EF90  |0012EFE8  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\25pibsee.default\logins.json"

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012EF90  [77CC834E  ; RETURN from ntdll.memcpy to ntdll.77CC834E
0012EF94  /00285680
0012EF98  |77CC8458  ; UNICODE "\??\"
0012EF9C  |00000008
0012EFA0  |00000000
0012EFA4  |00000003
0012EFA8  |002855A8  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\25pibsee.default\signons.txt"

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012FAE8  [77CCC931  ; RETURN from ntdll.memcpy to ntdll.RtlSetEnvironmentVar+17D
0012FAEC   0027D54A
0012FAF0   0049B980
0012FAF4   000005B0
0012FAF8   77C8602D
0012FAFC   0027C908  ; UNICODE "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"
0012FB00   000002D8
0012FB04   00279EC0  ; UNICODE "SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\63.0 (x86 en-US)\Main"

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012FAE8  [77C92461  ; /RETURN from ntdll.memmove to ntdll.77C92461
0012FAEC  /0027DAFC  ; |Arg1 = UNICODE "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"
0012FAF4  |000005F4  ; \Arg3 = 5F4


CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F70C  /004040EA  ; RETURN to loki.004040EA
0012F710  |0028DEE0  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data"
0012F714  |80000000
0012F718  |00000001
0012F71C  |00000000
0012F720  |00000003
0012F724  |00000080
0012F728  |00000000
0012F72C  |0012F808  ; UNICODE "Google\Chrome"
0012F730  |0028DEE0  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data"
0012F734  |00000000
0012F738  |00000000
0012F73C  |0027CB60
0012F740  |00289DC8
0012F744  |0012F778
0012F748  \00407EF3  ; /RETURN from loki.004040BB to loki.00407EF3
0012F74C  /0028DEE0  ; |Arg1 = UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data"
0012F750  |0012F774  ; |Arg2 = 12F774
0012F754  |00000001  ; \Arg3 = 1
0012F758  |0028DEE0  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data"
0012F75C  |00289AA8  ; UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local"
0012F760  |004056E8  ; RETURN from loki.00402B7C to loki.004056E8

Internet Explorer

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F900  [76F9226B  ; /RETURN from kernel32.CreateFileW to WININET.76F9226B
0012F904  /002804E0  ; |FileName = "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\counters.dat"
0012F908  |C0000000  ; |DesiredAccess = GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE
0012F90C  |00000003  ; |ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE
0012F910  |0012F938  ; |pSecurity = 0012F938 -> SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {Length=0, pSecurityDescriptor=00280F50, InheritHandle=FALSE}
0012F914  |00000004  ; |CreationDistribution = OPEN_ALWAYS
0012F918  |00000000  ; |Attributes = 0
0012F91C  |00000000  ; \hTemplate = NULL
0012F920  |0027FFF0

RSA key

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012EEDC  [7520148F  ; /RETURN from kernel32.CreateFileW to rsaenh.7520148F
0012EEE0  /00295030  ; |FileName = "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S-1-5-21-1170123196-3759381713-3318582401-500\a18ca4003deb042bbee7a40f15e1970b_c19bc6df-8513-4180-b29d-d7101b5ebb4d"
0012EEE4  |40000000  ; |DesiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE
0012EEE8  |00000000  ; |ShareMode = 0
0012EEEC  |00000000  ; |pSecurity = NULL
0012EEF0  |00000003  ; |CreationDistribution = OPEN_EXISTING
0012EEF4  |00000004  ; |Attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM
0012EEF8  |00000000  ; \hTemplate = NULL
0012EEFC  |0000008C
0012EF00  |00295104  ; UNICODE "a18ca4003deb042bbee7a40f15e1970b_c19bc6df-8513-4180-b29d-d7101b5ebb4d"


CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F920  [00404E55  ; /RETURN from WS2_32.getaddrinfo to loki.00404E55
0012F924  /00293DB6  ; |Arg1 = ASCII "atharabnday. com"
0012F928  |00293CA8  ; |Arg2 = ASCII "80"
0012F92C  |0012F938  ; |Arg3 = 12F938
0012F930  |0012F958  ; \Arg4 = 12F958

UserAgent and URI

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F98C  \004142CB  ; /RETURN from loki.0041406C to loki.004142CB
0012F990  /00293DB6  ; |Arg1 = ASCII ""
0012F994  |00293CA8  ; |Arg2 = ASCII "80"
0012F998  |00293CB2  ; |Arg3 = ASCII "/web_content/file/log/css/Panel/five/fre.php"
0012F99C  |002915E8  ; |Arg4 = ASCII "Mozilla/4.08 (Charon; Inferno)"
0012F9A0  |00291838  ; |Arg5 = 291838
0012F9A4  |000000C4  ; \Arg6 = 0C4

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F920  [00404E55  ; /RETURN from WS2_32.getaddrinfo to loki.00404E55
0012F924  /00296CBE  ; |Arg1 = 296CBE
0012F928  |00296BB0  ; |Arg2 = ASCII "80"
0012F92C  |0012F938  ; |Arg3 = 12F938
0012F930  |0012F958  ; \Arg4 = 12F958

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012EEDC  [7520148F  ; /RETURN from kernel32.CreateFileW to rsaenh.7520148F
0012EEE0  /00296288  ; |FileName = "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S-1-5-21-1170123196-3759381713-3318582401-500\a18ca4003deb042bbee7a40f15e1970b_c19bc6df-8513-4180-b29d-d7101b5ebb4d"
0012EEE4  |40000000  ; |DesiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE
0012EEE8  |00000000  ; |ShareMode = 0
0012EEEC  |00000000  ; |pSecurity = NULL
0012EEF0  |00000003  ; |CreationDistribution = OPEN_EXISTING
0012EEF4  |00000004  ; |Attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM
0012EEF8  |00000000  ; \hTemplate = NULL
0012EEFC  |0000008C
0012EF00  |0029635C  ; UNICODE "a18ca4003deb042bbee7a40f15e1970b_c19bc6df-8513-4180-b29d-d7101b5ebb4d"

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012F920  [00404E55  ; /RETURN from WS2_32.getaddrinfo to loki.00404E55a
0012F924  /00296396  ; |Arg1 = ASCII "atharabnday. com"
0012F928  |00296288  ; |Arg2 = ASCII "80"
0012F92C  |0012F938  ; |Arg3 = 12F938
0012F930  |0012F958  ; \Arg4 = 12F958

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012FBA8  \0040F9CA  ; /RETURN from loki.0040429B to loki.0040F9CA
0012FBAC  /002955E8  ; |Arg1 = UNICODE "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\4FD233\39589B.lck"
0012FBB0  |0012FBC4  ; |Arg2 = 12FBC4
0012FBB4  |00000001  ; |Arg3 = 1
0012FBB8  |00000001  ; \Arg4 = 1

CPU Stack
Address   Value      Comments
0012FBEC  \77CF9E37  ; /RETURN from ntdll.77D369DD to ntdll.77CF9E37
0012FBF0  /00270000  ; |Arg1 = 270000
0012FBF4  |50000063  ; |Arg2 = 50000063
0012FBF8  |00297688  ; \Arg3 = ASCII "http://atharabnday. com/web_content/file/log/css/Panel/five/fre.php"

ET Sig:



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